Our team of investigators currently comprises 127 researchers from 35 countries and is affiliated with over 85 institutions. Click on a name to find out more about their work for G²LM|LIC.
Degnet Abebaw
Ethiopian Development Research Institute
Girum Abebe
Ethiopian Development Research Institute

Getnet Alemu
Addis Ababa University
Kathryn Anderson
Vanderbilt University
Vellore Arthi
University of Essex

Sam Asher
World Bank
Ragui Assaad
University of Minnesota

Armando Barrientos
University of Manchester
Vittorio Bassi
University of Southern California

Cátia Batista
Nova University of Lisbon
Arjun S. Bedi
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Kathleen Beegle
World Bank

Haroon Bhorat
University of Cape Town

Christopher Blattman
University of Chicago

Moussa P. Blimpo
World Bank

Joshua Blumenstock
University of California, Berkeley

Emily Breza
Harvard University
Tilman Brück
International Security and Development Center
Andrew Brudevold-Newman
University of Maryland

Peter Brummund
University of Alabama

Gharad Bryan
London School Of Economics

Francisco Campos
World Bank Africa
Aalia Cassim
University of Cape Town

Ali Cheema
Center of Economic Research in Pakistan

Ana Dammert
Carleton University
Rob Davies
University of Zimbabwe
Brian Dillon
University of Washington

Taryn Dinkelman
Dartmouth College

Quy-Toan Do
World Bank

Dave Donaldson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lawrence Edwards
University of Cape Town
Damir Esenaliev
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Marcel Fafchamps
Stanford University

Neil T. N. Ferguson
International Security and Development Center
Erica Field
Duke University

Gary S. Fields
Cornell University

Günther Fink
Harvard University

Simon Franklin
London School Of Economics

Sonja Fransen
University of Amsterdam

Emanuela Galasso
World Bank
Jose Galdo
Carleton University
Robert Garlick
Duke University

Alan Gelb
Center for Global Development

John Giles
World Bank
Jessica Goldberg
University of Maryland

Markus Goldstein
World Bank
Joan Hamory Hicks
University of California, Berkeley