Catalina Herrera
Northeastern UniversityCatalina Herrera is Assistant Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Northeastern University. She received her PhD in Applied Economics from Cornell University. Her main field of research is development economics, with a primary focus on the micro-econometric analysis of population, health and education issues in Sub Saharan Africa and Latin America. As a Hewlett Foundation/IIE PhD Dissertation Fellow, she studied: i) the causal impact of teenage pregnancy on young women’s schooling and cognitive skills in Madagascar as well as the role of reproductive health policies in increasing female human capital; ii) the role of maternal cognitive ability in improving children’s health in Madagascar and iii) the childhood determinants of youth internal migration in Senegal. Catalina holds a B.A and M.A in Economics from Universidad de los Andes (Bogota, Colombia). She has worked for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, in Washington D.C., and the Public Policy Evaluation Directorate in Colombia’s Ministry of National Planning.