Todd Pugatch
Oregon State UniversityTodd Pugatch is an Associate Professor of Economics at Oregon State University and a Research Fellow at IZA. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan. His research focuses on human capital investment and policies to improve educational outcomes in developing countries. Dr. Pugatch is an expert in quantitative programme evaluation in education, and has conducted research on education policy in several developing countries, including South Africa, Gambia, and Rwanda. His past or current work covers school to work transitions in South Africa; school fee alleviation, teacher salary policy, and the expansion of early childhood education in The Gambia; teacher training in Rwanda; and peer tutoring and honours education in higher education in the United States. Dr. Pugatch has worked with government education offices in The Gambia and Rwanda to design research intended to inform education policy. He has published articles in Journal of Development Economics, World Bank Economic Review, Economics of Education Review, Demography, Journal of African Economies, Labour, and IZA Journal of Labor and Development. Dr. Pugatch serves on the Expert Roster of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).