The joint IZA/DFID Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries (GLM|LIC) programme was established in 2011 after identifying an important research gap on labour markets and growth in low-income countries. Over the last seven years, the programme has contributed to the growing interest in understanding labour markets in the poorest countries by producing high-quality research outputs and policy documents, as well as through interactions with various stakeholders and reflecting on impacts of different programs and policies. The UK government has announced the approval of extending the programme with additional £12 million (€13.3 million equivalent).
The extension will have a special focus on gender and growth issues in low income countries. The new “Growth, Gender and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries” programme (G²LM|LIC) will foster research that aims to guide future gender and labour market policies. This is of extreme importance to the economies of developing countries which need to utilize their production resources more efficiently to unleash growth potentials. Women’s access to jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities are key to ensuring that they help drive and benefit from economic growth.
More details on the extension will follow shortly.